Channel: georgezimmerman
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George Zimmerman is painting and selling Confederate flags for gun shop

1995-2012 Nothing says, I didn't murder an unarmed black teenager named Trayvon Martin because I'm a cowardly racist asshole, like painting confederate flags for another racist gun shop owner. That's...

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George Zimmerman works at a "Muslim-Free" RWNJ Gun Store where he paints...

When I first saw this headline I though it must be from the Onion, but no. The notorious vigilante killer George Zimmerman has a new job at a 'Muslim-Free' gun shop and a new hobby painting Confederate...

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George Zimmerman: Virginia “hate crime” shooting condoned by “ignorant...

CNN was the first media outlet to use the term "white Hispanic" to ... because by being brown, himself, he could negate claims that he's a racist pig. The national media followed by lifting Zimmerman`s...

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Daily Kos Radio's KITM podcast (AUDIO): Kagro in the Morning, Monday, August...

Find us on iTunes | Find us on Stitcher | RSS | Donate to support the show!Today is 100% David Waldman, although surely containing some percentage of bioaccumulated fluoropolymer additives:David...

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How White America Emotionally Abuses Black People

White America emotionally abuses black people.The abuse takes many forms. It is an unwillingness to admit to harms done, a denial of the pain caused to others, and a habit of selective remembering and...

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Racist Twitter Troll George Zimmerman Brags About Murder, Abusing Women

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Christianity at a Crossroads: Prosperity Gospel Frauds, Born Again & Catholic...

Most self-professed Christians are straight-up frauds. More precisely they are, as journalist Kurt Eichenwald put it, “buffet Christians.” Unhealthy, unwise and unfit for religious duty, they gorge...

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Zimmerman Posts Picture Trayvon Martins Body on his Tweeter Account.

Unrepentant, positively giddy about killing an unarmed teen, Zimmerman posts a photo of dead Trayvon Martin on his Twitter. He also brags about cleaning up "riff raff" in his neighborhood, SYG America...

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Fox News, Far-Right Pundits, No Gun Law Extremists Complicit in Murder......

There's no other way to look at it is there? How else can you characterize a group who has vociferously and vehemently opposed any and all efforts to establish a national gun policy to prevent...

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Grapski stands up for BLM as Florida gun shop declares War on BLM..and he...

Many people on this site have had their issues with Charlie Grapski but I want to say he stands where others talk.  I want to say he has faced pistol whippings and beatings for standing up for what is...

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George Zimmerman suspended from Twitter after posting nude pics of...

A seemingly angry George Zimmerman took to Twitter today to send out nude photos and the phone number of a woman he claims is his now ex-girlfriend. He said, “She cheated on me with a dirty Muslim.” He...

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Conservatives have theories about Obama's tears. Grief over murdered children...

If you can’t imagine crying over 20 murdered children, I guess it makes sense to you that anyone else’s tears must be fake. Which is the story of Republicans and President Obama’s Monday statement on...

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Hillary Clintons Disrespect to Black Women at the Democratic Town Hall Should...

During Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clintons February 23rd Democratic Town Hall in South Carolina, Hillary Clinton used various grieving black mothers and widows to land black votes.Hillary Clinton's...

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A half-decade of racism on Reddit prepared me for the rise of Trump's America

Here in Alabama, I’ve seen Trumpism firsthand. Three people I know were at the Madison rally yesterday for Trump. They sent me some snapchats of the event. they are all white kids under 25 voting for...

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Mother of slain daughter begs FL attorney Angela Corey not to use death...

A mother still grieving the loss of her murdered daughter is begging and petitioning Florida State Attorney Angela Corey not to seek the death penalty for the man who has been charged with her murder....

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George Zimmerman announces plan to auction the gun he used to kill Trayvon...

George Zimmerman, the self-appointed neighborhood watchman who killed Trayvon Martin in 2013, continues to find new ways to maintain his title as the worst person in the U.S. This time, he’s selling...

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Donald Trump to Choose George Zimmerman as VP Pick?

No, of course not.  This is snark.Still, the fact that Zimmerman is trying to make a buck by auctioning off the gun he that he used to murder Trayvon Martin, shows that he is dickish enough to be...

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George Zimmerman is a liar, as well as an @$&hole

George Zimmerman has put up for auction the gun he used to kill Trayvon Martin with. He says on the website where he’s selling the firearm that part of the proceeds from its sale will be used to “fight...

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Zimmerman Murderabilia

Sorry I haven’t posted in almost a month. I’ve been focused on work and the business end and my paying clients. Also, I have been working with some new software and that’s been a learning project for...

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GOP Pathological Path from Peace Dividend to Trump to Toilets

While there’s still a lot more to life than Noam’s River Styx, we need see the reality that change, climate and otherwise, is upon us -- whether we invest in the vision of sand hills, the hedge betting...

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