George Zimmerman teams up with 'Muslim-free' gun store to sell Confederate flag prints
Here are first two paragraphs:
INVERNESS, Fla. —And Zimmerman admits he painted over original American Flag in painting to honor the store owner by using a Confederate Flag instead:George Zimmerman is teaming up with a controversial Florida gun store to sell signed and numbered prints of his Confederate flag painting.
According to Florida Gun Supply's website, "This painting was painted in honor of Andy Hallinan for being a true patriot and leading the country into a better, safer America." The prints cost $50 each if you're paying by credit card and $48.90 if you're paying with cash. Buyers also are entered into a raffle to win Zimmerman's original painting.
"The first flag I painted on this canvas was an American flag, but (I) decided to repaint over it with the Confederate flag when I heard Andy was getting sued by (the Council on American-Islamic Relations)," Zimmerman said. "The second flag I painted was the battle flag, which we need in America in order to protect the first."Oh well. . . .