Credit:DonkeyHotey, CC license.
George Zimmerman, 31, made his first court appearance on Saturday morning after being arrested by Lake Mary police on Friday evening.
According to Zimmerman's attorney, the arrest was due to allegedly throwing a wine bottle at a girlfriend "several days ago."
Zimmerman was arrested in 2013 for alleged domestic violence against a girlfriend, although a Lake Mary police spokeswoman said"this alleged "victim is not the same (woman) as in 2013."
"It's clear he hasn't been very lucky with the ladies the last few months," West said of his client."Zimmerman was released on $5,000 bond, and ordered to:
-Avoid contact with the woman, who was not identified
- Stay out of Volusia County, where the woman lives.
- Pack up any personal belongings his girlfriend may have left behind and give them to his lawyer.
- Surrender any weapons.
While surrender any weapons sounds good, according to CNN's website, he was told only to surrender any weapons to a "relative or third party."
The next scheduled court appearance for Zimmerman will be February 17th.
Defense attorney Don West said that his client (Zimmerman):
"...doesn't have a full-time job, implying he's had his struggles since the Martin acquittal.The devastation has been upon the Martin family alone, having lost a precious child."It's been a devastating experience that he's had that he's working through," the lawyer said. "... I'm concerned, obviously, as we are here again this morning."
Each time we hear of Zimmerman in the news since his aquittal, he seems only more of an arrogant asshole who believes he can get away with anything. And so far, he has done just that.
George Zimmerman, acquitted by a Florida jury in the shooting death of unarmed 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, was arrested by Lake Mary police in Seminole County Florida on Friday evening on charges of domestic violence with a weapon and aggravated assault, according to the John E. Polk Correctional Facility's website where he is being held.
A notation on that website states that he "May not be bailed."